2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan

Measure BB, approved by Alameda County voters on November 4, 2014, will generate nearly $8 billion over 30 years for essential transportation improvements in every city throughout Alameda County. See election results map. Funds began flowing to municipalities and transit agencies in July 2015. See Measure BB sales tax revenue allocations.

Measure BB funds the 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan (2014 Plan), which was unanimously approved by the Alameda County Transportation Commission at its January 2014 meeting. An economic analysis by the Bay Area Council Economic Institute reports that the Plan will yield $20 billion in total economic activity in the Bay Area and 150,000 full-time equivalent jobs.

The 2014 Expenditure Plan will:

    • Expand BART, bus and commuter rail for reliable, safe and fast services, including BART expansion and improvements within Alameda County, bus service expansion and commuter rail service improvements.
  • Keep fares affordable for seniors, youth and people with disabilities, including affordable senior shuttles, vans and services that help keep seniors independent, and critical funding for student transit passes to ensure youth can affordably get to school. It also funds reliable and inexpensive transportation for people with disabilities.
  • Provide traffic relief, including funds to every city in the County to repave streets, fill potholes and upgrade local transportation infrastructure. It also invests in aging highway corridors to upgrade on and off ramps, using modern technology to manage traffic and improve safety.
  • Improve air quality and provide clean transportation by reducing pollution using innovative technology, expanding bike and pedestrian paths, and BART, bus and commuter rail expansion and operations.
  • Create good jobs within Alameda County by requiring local contracting that supports residents and businesses in Alameda County.

Strict accountability and performance measures ensure delivery. The 30-year Plan includes strict accountability measures to ensure all $8 billion for County transportation improvements are spent on approved projects. It requires open and transparent public processes to allocate funds, annual independent audits, an independent watchdog committee made up of people who live in Alameda County and annual compliance reports distributed to the public that detail costs and how specific performance measures are met.

Alameda CTC sought and received unanimous approval of the 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan by each of Alameda County’s 14 cities, and by the County Board of Supervisors. View the calendar of these meetings.

2014 Plan Informational Postcards
Click here to download a PDF of the general 2014 TEP educational postcard in English. Spanish and Chinese versions of these postcards are below.



Cartas en español
Considere el future del transporte

Considere el futuro del BART
Considere el future de los buses de tránsito
Considere el futuro de ciclistas y peatones
Considere el futuro de nuestras calles locales
Considere el futuro del transporte para personas mayores y con discapacidades
Viaje a la escuela con un precio asequible

考虑旧金山湾区捷运 (BART)的未来

考虑自行车 和 步行 的 未来
考虑为老年人 和残疾人提供的交通工具的未来

