How to use the I-580 Express Lanes?


Who can travel in the I-580 Express Lanes?
All users must have a valid FasTrak account to use the Express Lanes
Pays a Toll
Solo Driver with a FasTrak account may pay a toll to travel- May carry a valid FasTrak Flex toll tag set to 1, or
- May carry a valid FasTrak or bumper tag Carpools with a valid FasTrak Flex toll tag set to 2 or 3+ to indicate vehicle occupancy may travel toll free
- Must have a FasTrak CAV toll tag set to 1
- If traveling with more than one occupant, the FasTrak CAV tag can be set to the 2 or 3+ setting to travel toll-free
Travels Tolls Free
- Carpools with two or more occupants
- Motorcycles
- Vanpools
- Transit buses

How much does it cost?
Helpful tips
Stay In The Lane – The Toll Stays The Same!
A toll is assigned based on the first and last location at which the vehicle was detected. If you leave and then re-enter an express lane, FasTrak will charge you a single toll as though you travelled continuously in the lane. It is unlikely that weaving in and out of the express lane will decrease your toll.
Know Before You Go
Carpoolers and those eligible to use carpool lanes (motorcycles, vanpools and transit buses) must have a FasTrak Flex (switchable) toll tag to use the lanes toll-free. Solo drivers in eligible Clean Air Vehicles must have a FasTrak CAV toll tag to receive a 50% toll discount.
Who Needs A Fastrak Toll Tag?
Everyone using the I-580 Express lanes during operating hours (M-F 5am-8pm) must carry a valid toll tag properly mounted in the vehicle.
Set It But Don’t Forget It
If your flex tag is detected in different positions during your express lane trip, you will be charged based on the lowest occupancy that is detected.
For example, switching the Flex tag setting from 1 to 2 after you have entered the express lane could still result in a toll charge for the entire distance traveled. We recommend checking the tag position before each time you travel in the express lane.Resolve Toll Violations
Alameda CTC formed a partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to develop and implement the I-580 Express Lanes Project. Electronic toll system installation began Spring 2015 and the new express lanes opened in February 2016. See construction photographs from June 2015.
Environmental ProcessPursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Caltrans, in cooperation with the Alameda CTC, studied the environmental effects of this project. These studies show that the project would not significantly affect of the quality of the environment. The report that discusses these findings is called an Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration/ Environmental Assessment (IS/EA). Caltrans approved the Initial Study/Environmental Assessment in March 2014. The IS/EA is available for review online at www.dot.ca.gov/dist4/envdocs.htm
Please direct all media inquiries to:
Remy Goldsmith, Principal Programs Analyst - Government Affairs and Communications
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The westbound express lane begins at Greenville. There is open access to and from the lanes (providing easy access to/from local exits) from Greenville to Hacienda and no entry/exit from the lane from Hacienda to the end (just before San Ramon/Foothill).
Please note: for access to I-680 or Dougherty, exit express lane before Hacienda.
The eastbound express lanes begin at Hacienda. There is no entry/exit from the lanes between Hacienda and Fallon/El Charro. Please note: for access to Santa Rita Road or El Charro, do not enter the express lanes.