On April 24, 2012, Alameda CTC and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, with partner Cycles of Change, launched the new BikeMobile program and the newly designed BikeMobile vehicle at an inaugural ceremony and bike “Fix-a-Thon” event at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Berkeley. The BikeMobile and its bicycle mechanic staff visit schools and community organizations and events to deliver no-cost hands-on bicycle repair and bicycle safety training to promote riding bikes to school.
The BikeMobile is a pilot program managed under Alameda CTC’s Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) program. The Alameda County SR2S program, started by Alameda CTC in 2007, continues to reduce traffic congestion and promote healthy habits by working with educators, parents and kids to increase walking, biking and carpooling to school.
The BikeMobile is expected to make up to 275 site visits over two years. Requests for a BikeMobile visit can be made online (http://bike-mobile.org). BikeMobile Fix-a-Thons are pre-arranged using an online signup form at www.bike-mobile.org.

The Alameda County SR2S program, started by Alameda CTC as a pilot program in 2007, promotes healthy habits by working with educators, parents and kids to increase walking, biking and carpooling to school. The program is funded by federal funds and local Measure B dollars.
SR2S is a comprehensive, proven approach to getting more kids walking and biking safely to school. It gives kids and parents skills, encouragement and inspiration through a range of activities, events and lessons, while addressing local pedestrian and personal safety concerns and traffic congestion.
The 2015-2016 school year was SR2S' tenth year of promoting active transportation choices to students. The program has expanded annually and now reaches more than 160 schools throughout Alameda County, making this one of the largest in-depth Safe Routes to Schools programs in the nation. Read the
Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools 2014-2015 Year-End Report for a comprehensive overview of the program.
Alameda County SR2S works with students, parents and schools throughout Alameda County to bring engaging and informative bicycle and pedestrian programming to their community.
Learn more about Safe Routes to Schools Alameda County, including how to get your school involved at http://www.alamedacountysr2s.org/
See our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/saferoutestoschool
Read the SR2S Program Fact Sheet.
Local programs are being coordinated with similar efforts worldwide. You can find more information at the
Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the
International Walk to School website.