Alameda CTC launched the 2020 Countywide Transportation Plan (CTP) process in November 2018 by meeting with local jurisdictions and transit agencies to identify major initiatives and priorities, as well as opportunities and challenges, throughout the county. The CTP is updated every four years and the last CTP was approved in 2016.
The 2020 CTP will lay out an overarching vision of the county’s transportation system by 2050 and focus on articulating a nearer-term set of priority initiatives, including projects, programs and policies. The CTP update will include an assessment of the current transportation system, identification of needs and opportunities, analysis of major long-term trends, and an articulation of policies, projects and programs to support the vision. The 2020 CTP is expected to be completed and adopted in summer 2020. Alameda CTC will conduct public engagement during the plan development beginning in fall 2019.