Breaking Ground: I-80/Gilman Street Interchange Improvement Project

The Interstate 80/Gilman Street Interchange Improvement project will reconfigure the Interstate 80/Gilman Street interchange, located in northwest Berkeley near its boundary with the City of Albany. The project will improve navigation and traffic operations on Gilman Street between West Frontage Road and 2nd Street through the I-80 interchange so that congestion is reduced, queues are shortened and merging and turn conflicts are minimized.

In addition to improving mobility through the Gilman street corridor, the project will close the gap in local and regional bicycle facilities through the I-80/Gilman Street interchange, and provide access for bicyclists and pedestrians traveling between the Bay Trail and North Berkeley both with a new pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing and safety improvements at street level through the interchange.

This project will be constructed in two phases:

PHASE 1: Pedestrian and bicycle overcrossing
PHASE 2: Interchange and local street improvements; pedestrian and bicycle Improvements through the interchange; Bay Trail gap closure; safety improvements at the Gilman/Union Pacific Railroad at-grade crossing

Please join us on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 1 p.m. for a virtual groundbreaking.
Alameda CTC and the California Department of Transportation are jointly sponsoring a virtual groundbreaking celebration to commemorate the start of construction on this project.

WHEN: Thursday, May 20, 2021, 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: Via Zoom

Webinar ID: 979 1766 2500
Passcode: 772650
One-Tap Mobile: (669) 900-6833

Following is media coverage on this project.

PRINT: Berkeleyside
KPIX-TV interview with Alameda CTC’s Executive Director, Tess Lengyel

I-80/Gilman Street Interchange Improvement project location