Executive Director Tess Lengyel to Retire from the Alameda County Transportation Commission After 25 Years of Service

ALAMEDA COUNTY, Calif. – With the support of the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC), Tess Lengyel, Executive Director of the organization, will retire in December 2024 after a career of nearly 35 years, including 25 years at Alameda CTC and its predecessor agencies. Executive Director Lengyel’s career has included leading the planning, funding and delivery of transportation projects and programs that improve quality of life for all in Alameda County.

“On behalf of the Commission, I want to thank Executive Director Lengyel for her leadership, her commitment to delivering high-quality projects and programs that improve mobility and access for all, and her steadfast service to Alameda County over these past 25 years,” said Commission Chair and Emeryville City Councilperson John J. Bauters. “Working with Executive Director Lengyel has been an honor, and I am so proud of the work she has done in partnership with the Commission to advance safety, equity, mobility and good governance. We wish her well in her well-deserved retirement.”

Under Executive Director Lengyel’s leadership, extensive investments have been delivered throughout the County including developing and initiating implementation of the 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan, Measure BB, which was overwhelmingly approved by Alameda County voters in November 2014. It is anticipated to generate more than $8 billion of transportation investments in the county over 30 years and result in $20 billion of economic activity. She also facilitated and fulfilled implementation of the 2000 voter-approved Measure B, investing in over $3 billion throughout Alameda County. A more extensive list of accomplishments is included in the full press release.

“It has been my privilege to serve the Commission and people of Alameda County for these 25 years,” says Executive Director Lengyel. “I am deeply proud of our work, our committed staff and all the partners we work with to plan, fund and deliver transportation projects and programs that improve the quality of people’s everyday lives.”

The Alameda CTC Commission leadership is undertaking procedural steps in the coming weeks to hire a new Executive Director.