2012 Countywide Transportation Plan

Working together with residents, businesses and communities, Alameda CTC developed the Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP) and the 30-year 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP).

The CWTP will continue to guide future transportation improvements for the next 25 years.

The Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP)

The Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan (CWTP) is a long-range policy document that guides transportation funding decisions for Alameda County’s transportation system over a 25-year horizon. It was approved by the Commission in June 2012.

This plan lays out a strategy for meeting transportation needs for all users in Alameda County and includes projects and other improvements for new and existing freeways, local streets and roads, public transit (paratransit, buses, rails, ferries), as well as facilities and programs to support bicycling and walking.

Additionally, the CWTP serves as Alameda County’s input to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in its development of the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). All projects requesting state or federal funding must be consistent with the RTP. The sales tax expenditure plan (currently Measure B) is another key source of funding for transportation projects and programs in Alameda County. Projects and programs for the expenditure plan are drawn from the CWTP.

For the first time, the CWTP and Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the Bay Area will require the County to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets set by the State of California under Senate Bill 375 (SB 375). The target is a 7 percent GHG reduction by 2020, and a 15 percent GHG reduction by 2035.

To address SB 375 requirements and other needs, the current update includes transit oriented development and priority development areas; parking management; transportation systems management and goods movement; as well as transit connectivity, maintenance and operations.

The full plan and appendices are available below.

The Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP)

Alameda CTC also developed a detailed 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP), which lays out the spending for a 30-year sales tax measure to support transportation in Alameda County. The 2014 TEP will provide nearly $8 billion in funding over the next 30 years to expand BART, bus, and rail services within Alameda County, keep transit fares affordable for youth, seniors, and people with disabilities, provide traffic relief on city streets and highways using new technology, improve air quality, and create good quality, local jobs, and would largely fund the CWTP. The 2014 TEP was approved by Alameda County voters on November 4, 2014.

The sales tax expenditure plan for Measure B (passed by 81.5 percent of Alameda County voters in 2000) is a key source of funding for transportation projects and programs, such as operations and maintenance, in Alameda County. Of the total collected funds under the current measure, 60 percent of collected funds are dedicated to programs such as local streets and roads repair, bicycle and pedestrian safety, transit and paratransit operations, and 40 percent of collected funds are dedicated to capital projects including transit and highway improvements.

A reauthorization of the TEP and related sales tax measure was proposed by the Alameda CTC for these reasons:

  • All major projects approved by voters in the current Measure B capital projects are complete or fully funded – 10 years ahead of schedule. To proactively prepare for our future transportation needs, we need a new plan and source of funds for capital projects, which take several years to plan, design, fully fund and build.
  • Transit operators face serious cuts in federal and state funding.
  • The economic downturn has reduced funding for many programs supported by Measure B.

Plan Development Process

To develop the CWTP and TEP, Alameda CTC involved almost 2,000 residents and groups representing seniors, people with disabilities, bicycle advocates, environmental, education and faith-based groups, businesses and local jurisdictions. Alameda CTC also worked with a Steering Committee, Community Advisory Working Group and Technical Advisory Working Group. These committees included representatives from 15 local jurisdictions, six transit operators, Caltrans District 4, the Port of Oakland, MTC and other community and agency stakeholders and the public, to identify and prioritize projects and programs.

Countywide Transportation Plan and Expenditure Plan Development Committees

Steering Committee: In May 2010, the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency (ACCMA) and the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA) created the Countywide Transportation Plan and Expenditure Plan Development Steering Committee to lead the development of the Alameda Countywide Transportation Plan, a 25-year transportation planning document, and the Expenditure Plan that would serve as a funding element of part of the Countywide Transportation Plan, if approved by voters in November 2014. This work continued under the Alameda CTC. The 13-member Steering Committee represented all areas of the county and was comprised of Alameda CTC members.

Community Advisory Working Group (CAWG): This 27-member working group assisted in the development of both plans to meet the multi-modal needs of our diverse communities and businesses in Alameda County with a focus on accessible, efficient, and sustainable transportation. CAWG members represented a broad array of perspectives and stakeholders throughout Alameda County, including:

  •     Business
  •     Civil rights
  •     Education
  •     The environment
  •     Faith-based advocacy
  •     Health
  •     Public Transit
  •     Seniors and people with disabilities
  •     Social justice

Technical Advisory Working Group (TAWG): This 35-member working group evaluated and provided input on the cost estimating guides, scoring, and screening criteria, and performance measures for projects and programs included in the plans. TAWG members also reviewed and provided feedback on technical studies and polling conducted to develop the plans. The TAWG was comprised of staff members from:

  •     Alameda County
  •     Cities
  •     Education
  •     Law enforcement
  •     Park districts
  •     Public health
  •     Regional agencies
  •     Social services
  •     Transit


See materials and reports developed during this process here, and 2012 TEP materials, brochures and list of supporters here.