
Advisory/Watchdog Committees

Members of the public are invited to serve on the following advisory and watchdog committees. Each of these committees carries out important transportation-related functions. Community advisory/watchdog members must be Alameda County residents, and technical advisory members represent an agency. We welcome public participation in all committees, which meet at regular intervals throughout the year. See the meetings calendar for links to agendas, documents and meeting minutes or contact us at 510.208.7400 for more information.

The Alameda CTC executive director chairs the ACTAC, the technical advisory committee to Alameda CTC. Members provide technical expertise, analysis and recommendations related to transportation planning, programming and funding. ACTAC is comprised of:
  • Two staff representatives from each agency represented on the Commission (each city in Alameda County, the county, AC Transit and BART).
  • One staff representative from each of the following agencies: Altamont Corridor Express, Alameda CTC, Association of Bay Area Governments, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, the California Department of Transportation, the California Highway Patrol, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Port of Oakland, San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority and Union City Transit.
ACTAC generally meets on the Thursday prior to the second Monday of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Alameda CTC offices. Meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Dates and Agenda Packets

Alameda County Technical Advisory Committee Bylaws

Established in 2003, the BPAC involves interested community members in Alameda CTC’s policy, planning and implementation efforts related to bicycling and walking, with the goal of increasing the safety and convenience of walking and bicycling conditions in Alameda County to increase the proportion of trips made by walking and bicycling. All 11 members must be Alameda County residents and are appointed for a two-year term as follows:
  • One per county supervisor
  • One per county supervisorial district, appointed by the Mayor’s Conference
  • One to represent transit agencies, appointed by Alameda CTC
BPAC generally meets quarterly on the second Thursday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Alameda CTC offices. Meetings are open to the public.

About the Committee and Application Form

Meeting Dates and Agenda Packets

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Bylaws

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Member Roster

The IWC, listed in the 2000 Measure B Expenditure Plan as the Citizens Watchdog Committee and in the 2014 Measure BB Expenditure Plan as the Independent Watchdog Committee, makes sure Measure B and Measure BB tax dollars are improving transportation in Alameda County, as promised to voters. The IWC scrutinizes all Measure B and BB expenditures and reports directly to the public each year on these expenditures (see the most recent IWC Annual Report and previous years). All 17 members must be Alameda County residents and are appointed for a two-year term, as follows:
  • One per district, appointed by the Board of Supervisors
  • One per district, appointed by the Mayor’s Conference
One nominated by each organization specified in the Expenditure Plan:
  • Alameda County Economic Development Alliance for Business
  • Alameda County Labor Council
  • Alameda County Taxpayers’ Association
  • Alameda County Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee
  • Bike East Bay
  • League of Women Voters
  • Sierra Club
IWC members are not elected officials at any level of government nor public employees from agencies that either oversee or benefit from the proceeds of the sales tax measure. The IWC meets on the Thursday following Alameda CTC Committee meetings from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Alameda CTC offices. Meetings are open to the public.

About the Committee and Application Form

Continuing Compliance Certification and Statement of Financial Disclosure

Meeting Dates and Agenda Packets

Independent Watchdog Committee Bylaws

Independent Watchdog Committee Member Roster

Independent Watchdog Committee email:
PAPCO makes recommendations to improve the planning and coordination of transportation services for seniors and people with disabilities in Alameda County. PAPCO members advise Alameda CTC on the development and implementation of paratransit programs, including a grant program. All 23 members must be Alameda County residents who use transportation that supports seniors and people with disabilities. Members are appointed for a two-year term as follows:
  • One per county supervisor (five total)
  • One per city (14 total)
  • One per transit agency (AC Transit, BART, LAVTA, Union City Transit)
PAPCO is supported by a Paratransit Technical Advisory Committee (ParaTAC) comprised of Alameda CTC-funded paratransit providers in Alameda County. PAPCO generally meets on every fourth Monday of the month from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Alameda CTC offices. Meetings are open to the public.

About the Committee and Application Form

Meeting Dates and Agenda Packets

Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee Bylaws

Paratransit Advisory and Planning Committee Member Roster