New Commute Choices website makes it easy for you to find commute options, employer programs, commuter tax benefits and other transportation programs to improve your commute.
Did you know that your employer may offer commuter tax benefits and other transportation options to improve your commute? Are you an employer interested in setting up these programs to attract top talent and comply with the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program? Alameda CTC just launched a state-of-the-art website called Commute Choices to answer these and many other commute questions for employers and employees in Alameda County.
The site provides easy access to organized information on public transportation, ridesharing, biking, walking, and specialized transportation options for seniors and children within Alameda County—the choices are many!
To support your use of non-drive alone commuting options, Alameda CTC also offers a Guaranteed Ride Home program. All permanent full- or part-time employees in Alameda County are eligible to participate in the program, which offers free taxi, rental car, or car share rides home in the case of an unexpected circumstance such as an illness or unscheduled overtime. To sign up or review the program’s guidelines, please visit the program website:
Alameda County is rich with transportation options—find your new commute today!