On Thursday, June 18, 2020 at 6 p.m., the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) will hold a virtual Open House regarding the I-680 Express Lanes from SR-84 to Alcosta Boulevard project where an overview of the project and its environmental process will be provided. This project will close the gap between existing and in-progress high-occupancy vehicle (HOV)/express lane projects directly to the north and south for approximately 9 miles on northbound and southbound I-680 through the community of Sunol and the cities of Dublin, Pleasanton and San Ramon.
The I-680 Express Lanes from SR-84 to Alcosta Boulevard project looks to increase efficiency of the transportation system between SR-84 and Alcosta Boulevard to accommodate current and future traffic demand; improve travel time and travel reliability for all users, including HOV and transit users; and optimize freeway system management and traffic operations.
Your input on the draft environmental document can be provided in a number of ways:
- Via online comment form
- Mail in a comment card by downloading the PDF here
- Email to: ALA680expresslanes@dot.ca.gov
For specific information on how to connect virtually to the June 18th Open House, go to the Public Meetings tab on the Alameda CTC project web page.