The Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools (SR2S) Program, in celebration of Bike Month in May, will host its second annual “Bike to the Moon” Week, a virtual event to encourage students to walk, bike, skate, scoot, carpool, take transit and use other active modes of travel. Alameda County students and school communities will celebrate through imaginative play by tracking the minutes and miles spent bicycling and engaging in other physical activities with the collective goal of “reaching the moon”—a 287,000 mile trip!
This year’s “Bike to the Moon” Week event will take place from Monday, May 9 to Friday, May 13, 2022, and will be virtual to be in alignment with the SR2S Program’s mission of striving for healthy kids, safer streets and strong communities. Safe Routes to Schools staff will convert all activity collected―both minutes and miles―into “moon miles” using a Mileage Tracking Tool. Activities submitted by 5:00 p.m. on May 16 will be converted and counted collectively toward the “moon miles.”
Visit the Safe Routes to Schools Program’s “Bike to The Moon” Week event webpage for more information on this year’s event.