Alameda CTC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Discretionary Grant program includes a combination of discretionary funding from the 2000 Measure B, 2014 Measure BB and Vehicle Registration Fee Bicycle and Pedestrian programs. Since 2000, Alameda CTC has funded over 50 projects, programs and master plans totaling approximately $14 million. Projects and programs funded through this program are targeted toward advancing the vision and goals of Alameda CTC’s Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans, and the Measure B, Measure BB and VRF expenditure plans. Future programming and allocations will continue to be prioritized to projects and programs that advance and promote safety, connectivity, modal-shifts, state of good repair and access.
Currently, all discretionary funding calls for projects and subsequent recommendations are coordinated through Alameda CTC’s Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP). For more information about the program, including funding recommendations, program priorities and future programming cycles, refer to the CIP information.