Transportation Fund for Clean Air Policies

The following Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) County Program Manager (CPM) Fund Policies are annually developed and adopted by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District):

Projects awarded TFCA CPM funding by Alameda CTC are to be consistent with the Air District’s TFCA CPM Policies. For reference, prior to FY 2018-19 the Air District’s TFCA Policies were included as an appendix to the Alameda CTC’s TFCA funding agreements. Starting in FY 2018-19, Alameda CTC’s TFCA CPM funding agreements include a direct link to the applicable Air District policies posted above.  For questions about the Alameda CTC’s TFCA CPM funding or the Air District’s TFCA CPM Policies, please contact Jacki Taylor at or Seon Joo Kim at