Alameda CTC oversees the administration of Measure B, Measure BB, and the Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) Programs, distributing over half of the revenues generated annually to twenty eligible recipients―local agencies and transit agencies―as Direct Local Distributions (DLD) for local transportation improvement programs.
DLD Compliance Reports and Financial Audits
Alameda CTC provides formula based sales tax and vehicle registration fee program funds known as Direct Local Distributions to cities, transit operators, and the County of Alameda for local transportation purposes. To ensure proper fund use, DLD recipients are annually required to submit audited financial statements and program compliance reports to confirm DLD annual receipts, expenditures, and the completion of reporting obligations. The recipient's Measure B and Measure BB Audited Financial Statements and Program Compliance Reports appear in the table below, and the VRF reports are available at this link: VRF audited financial statements and program compliance reports. Annual Program Compliance Summary Reports are also available each year from these submitted reports.Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Measure B / BB)
DLD Program Questions
John Nguyen, Assistant Director of Programming and Project Controls 510.208.7419 jnguyen@alamedactc.orgFinancial Questions
Yoana Navarro, Assistant Director of Finance 510.208.7431
At the end of each year, Measure B (MB), Measure BB (MBB), and Vehicle Registration Fee (VRF) fund recipients are required to submit to the Alameda CTC separate Audited Financial Statements and an Annual Program Compliance Reports for their respective programs. These reports describe annual revenues, expenditures and anticipated uses of Measure B/BB/VRF Direct Local Distribution (DLD) funds through the fiscal year. The Alameda CTC, in conjunction with the Independent Watchdog Committee (IWC) reviews the submitted reports to determine reporting and program compliance in the Spring.
Program Compliance Reporting Forms (for Fiscal Year 2023-24 period): Due Electronically By December 27, 2024
Audited Financial Statement and Compliance Submittal Guidance
- FY 2023-24 Program Compliance Submittal Guidance and Reporting Instructions
- Sample Audited Financial Statement Format
- DLD Timely Use of Funds Policies (approved 3.24.22)
DLD Program Compliance Workshop (September 17, 2024, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm)
Alameda CTC staff will host a DLD Program Compliance Workshop for the reporting Fiscal Year 2023-24 in a hybrid format (in-person and virtual options).
- DLD Compliance Workshop Agenda
- When: Sept. 17, 2024 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Compliance Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
- Compliance Workshop Video Recording
Mapping Resources
- MTC's Equitable Priority Communities Map
- Alameda CTC Active Transportation Plan
- Bicycle High Injury Network (HIN) Maps (GIS Shapefiles are available upon request)
- Pedestrian High Injury Network (HIN) Maps (GIS Shapefiles are available upon request)
Measure B/BB/VRF Direct Local Distribution Implementation Guidelines
Progress Reporting and Request for Reimbursement Forms
Project Sponsors awarded Alameda CTC Administered Funds (Measure B, Measure BB, VRF, and/or TFCA) are to use the forms below for progress reporting, Request for Reimbursements, and Amendments Requests to project funding agreements. Click within the blue headers below to open the desired forms.Progress Report Forms
Final Reporting Forms
- Measure B/Measure BB/VRF Final Report Form
- TFCA Final Report Forms
Project Funding Agreement Amendment Request Form
Project Sponsors are required to submit Request for Reimbursement (RFR) per the schedule included in the project funding agreement. RFRs must include supporting documentation for all costs including, but not limited to, time sheets, receipts, proof of payment, vouchers, invoices, etc.
Grant Reimbursements and Reporting Questions:John Nguyen, Assistant Director of Programming and Project Controls
510.208.7419 TFCA Reporting Questions:
Jacki Taylor, Principal Program Analyst