Transportation Fund for Clean Air
The Transportation Fund for Clean Air (TFCA) County Program Manager (CPM) Fund is a local fund source of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District). As the TFCA County Program Manager for Alameda County, Alameda CTC is responsible for programming 40 percent of the $4 vehicle registration fee collected in Alameda County for this program. Through the Alameda CTC’s TFCA distribution formula, further detailed in Alameda CTC’s TFCA Program Guidelines, 70 percent of annual funding is available to the cities and county, and 30 percent is available for transit-related projects. Approximately $1.8 million in TFCA funding is programmed annually. Starting with Fiscal Year 2017-18, the programming of TFCA funding is coordinated with the biennial development of the Alameda CTC’s Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP). Off-cycle programming actions may occur when needed to ensure the programming of TFCA funds within the deadlines established by the Air District.
Only public agencies are eligible TFCA applicants. TFCA-eligible projects are to result in the reduction of motor vehicle emissions. In general, eligible projects are those that conform to the provisions of the Alameda CTC Comprehensive Investment Plan (CIP) and the TFCA Program Guidelines contained within.
Projects must also meet the requirement of achieving an emission reduction cost-effectiveness, on an individual project basis, equal to or less than $90,000 of TFCA funds per ton of total reactive organic gases (ROG), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and weighted particulate matter 10 microns in diameter and smaller (PM10) emissions reduced ($TFCA/ton emissions reduced), unless a higher threshold has been established by the Air District.
TFCA project sponsors are required to comply with all program requirements including expenditure deadlines, data collection and submittal of annual and final project reports. Data collection requirements vary by project type (see the sample monitoring forms below).
- Air District’s TFCA County Program Manager (CPM) Policies
- Alameda CTC grant invoicing and TFCA reporting forms (click on Progress Reporting and Reimbursement tab)
- Air District’s logo for TFCA-funded Projects – rebranded (on the Air District’s rebrand webpage, scroll down to Downloadable Files; to request physical decals for bike racks, signal boxes, and vehicles, please contact Alameda CTC staff)
- TFCA County Program Manager Project List 2019-2023
Staff contacts: Jacki Taylor, 510.208.7413,; Seon Joo Kim, 510.208.7412,
TFCA Call for Projects
See the Funding Opportunities web page for current calls for projects or prior ones for reference purposes.