Alameda CTC and Caltrans are holding a public meeting on Wednesday, January 22 from 5-7pm in Dublin to discuss the upcoming Express Lanes project.
WHAT IS BEING PLANNED? Caltrans and Alameda CTC propose to convert the existing I-580 eastbound high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane to an express lane facility. The express lanes will allow carpools, vanpools, motorcycles, buses and eligible clean-air vehicles to travel for free, while giving solo drivers the option to pay to use the lanes to avoid traffic. The project limits extend from just west of the Hopyard Road/Dougherty Road overcrossing to just east of the Greenville Road undercrossing in the cities of Dublin, Livermore and Pleasanton in Alameda County. The total length of the project is approximately 12.1 miles.
The purpose of the proposed project is to provide additional traffic relief,provide enhanced operational and safety improvements,expand the mobility options in the corridor and maintain consistency with the provisions defined in Assembly Bills 2032 (2004)and 574 (2007)to implement express lanes in an HOV system in Alameda County.
The public meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 22 from 5-7 p.m. at the Dublin Unified School District Board Room, 7471 Larkdale Avenue, Dublin, CA 94568.The meeting will be an open house for the public to learn about how the proposed express lanes will work and to have the opportunity to talk with members of the project team.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, including to view the Initial Study/Environmental Assessment document, visit the I-580 Express Lanes website at or the Caltrans website at