Interstate 580 (I-580) serves as an important east-west connection that runs the length of Alameda County from the Central Valley to the Bay Bridge. It is an important travel and freight corridor, carrying over 200,000 vehicles per day and approximately 20,000 truck trips per day. The Altamont Pass, which connects Almeda County to the Central Valley, experiences the highest level of truck activity of any roadway in the Bay Area.
The I-580 Transit and Multimodal Corridor Strategy (I-580 TAMS) is a planning effort that will evaluate ways to sustainably and equitably support existing and growing travel demand in the corridor. The resulting document will be a Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP) for the I-580 corridor, which creates eligibility for state funding for the recommended projects in the plan.
(Click the map to view a larger version.)
I-580 TAMS Approach
- Understand effects of different lane configurations of I-580 on driving, goods movement, carpooling and transit ridership.
- Evaluate feasibility of express lanes, express bus, dedicated lanes for buses, and clean-fueling for trucks and transit along the corridor.
- Identify opportunities to increase connectivity and safety of walking, biking, and taking transit to access local BART and rail stations that support using BART and rail in the corridor.
- Work with partner agencies, major employers, and communities to identify and refine strategies that advance goals from the 2020 Countywide Transportation Plan.
- Prioritize strategies and identify next steps for the most promising recommendations.
I-580 Corridor Study Area Map

(Click the map to view a larger version.)
Corridor Study Area
The “corridor" includes the interstate together with the transit services that serve the same travel pattern as the freeway, the bicycle and pedestrian facilities that connect to and through the corridor, and the adjacent neighborhoods and business districts that rely on and may be affected by changes in the corridor. The “study area” is a buffer of a half-mile on either side of the freeway right-of-way and select rail stations immediately adjacent to the freeway. This planning effort will evaluate conditions along the corridor and within the study area.
Over the month of June 2023, an interactive webmap was available for public comment on current issues traveling in the corridor and feedback on new ideas. The comment period is now over, but the comments received are still viewable on the web online.
The webmap will be available for input through June 30, 2023.
Public input, received at outreach events and through this webmap, together with findings from a technical evaluation, will inform the final recommendations of the strategy. These recommendations will be documented in a study report, developed in collaboration with state and regional partners at Caltrans and MTC, that will serve as a Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan (CMCP) for I-580.
I-580 is one of the most heavily-traveled freeways in Alameda County, carrying significant intra-county traffic as it serves East, Central, and North county. Alameda CTC has made significant investments in and improvements along I-580 over the past two decades, including the construction and operation of the I-580 express lanes in the Tri-Valley.
The I-580 TAMS builds upon the following assessments and plans: