
Welcome to the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) and congratulations on your new appointment!

This web-based orientation is intended to share everything we think you might need or want to know about the Alameda County Transportation Commission. We understand that in the first weeks on the Commission, you receive a wealth of information and may have questions. To that end, Alameda CTC is here to provide you with the help and support you need to succeed in your new role on the Commission.

Overview of Alameda CTC Meetings Schedule

The Commission meets at 2 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month at 1111 Broadway, Suite 800 in downtown Oakland, except during the months of August and November. In addition to the full Commission, Alameda CTC has established three standing committees to assist the Commission in fulfilling the agency’s mission. The Commission also oversees operations of the I-680 Express Lane JPA Committee. The Alameda CTC Meetings Calendar contains information on all public meetings at Alameda CTC. It also contains links to all agendas, minutes and meeting handouts.

Procedures and Forms

The forms you will need will be provided by the Clerk of the Commission. If you would like to request copies of the forms, please contact Vanessa Lee at vlee@alamedactc.org or 510.208.7436.

Alameda CTC Administrative Code and Joint Powers Agreement

Alameda CTC Commissioner Travel

Alameda CTC Expenditure Plans

Alameda CTC Reports

Tess Lengyel, Executive Director, tlengyel@alamedactc.org, 510.208.7402

Carolyn Clevenger, Deputy Executive Director of Planning and Policy, cclevenger@alamedactc.org, 510.208.7496

Gary Huisingh, Deputy Executive Director of Projects, ghuisingh@alamedactc.org, 510.208.7405

Patricia Reavey, Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration, preavey@alamedactc.org, 510.208.7422

Vanessa Lee, Clerk of the Commission, vlee@alamedactc.org, 510. 208.7436