Our LBCE Certification Applications Have Gone Digital!

The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) is excited to announce a significant upgrade to our Local Business Contract Equity (LBCE) Program certification application process from hard copy forms to Microsoft Forms.

This change brings numerous benefits, such as the convenience of easy access from any device, efficiency of streamlined processing, and improved accuracy with built-in validation to reduce errors. It also ensures all necessary information is legibly captured.  

To access the new certification and recertification application forms, please visit Alameda CTC’s Contract Equity webpage at alamedactc.org/contract-equity. For any assistance or questions, our Certification Team is ready to help and may be reached at certification@alamedactc.org or 510.208.7460. Experience the ease of our new digital application process and join the LBCE Program today!

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