Alameda CTC is supporting member agencies as they implement Senate Bill 743 requirements through providing resources on this webpage. Resources can be accessed in the blue bars below. These include the Alameda County VMT Reduction Estimator Tool, VMT Mapping Resources, and general resources on SB 743.
The Alameda County Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Estimator Tool (Alameda County Tool) was developed by Alameda CTC to assist member agencies in their efforts to comply with the requirements of SB 743. It can be used in evaluating transportation effects of land use projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The tool is an Excel workbook that was modeled after the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) VMT Reduction Calculator Tool. Refinements have been made to the tool to reflect Alameda County conditions, incorporate data from the Alameda County Travel Demand Model, and add six additional VMT-reducing strategies.
The Alameda County Tool and accompanying documentation are provided as a resource for member agencies for evaluating and quantifying the effects of the implementation of certain mobility management strategies as part of the development review and transportation analysis process under CEQA. Use of the Alameda County Tool is at the user’s discretion. Alameda CTC does not require member agencies to use the Alameda County Tool to analyze the effects of their proposed land use projects on the transportation network. Therefore, any action the user takes upon the information is strictly at the user’s risk and neither Alameda CTC, nor its employees, contractors and consultants will be liable for any loses or damages resulting from the use of these data and this tool. Alameda County VMT Reduction Calculator Tool Demo video on how to use the Tool VMT Tool Design Document Mobility Management Guidebook from SANDAG Staff contact:
Aleida Andrino-Chavez
The Alameda County Tool and accompanying documentation are provided as a resource for member agencies for evaluating and quantifying the effects of the implementation of certain mobility management strategies as part of the development review and transportation analysis process under CEQA. Use of the Alameda County Tool is at the user’s discretion. Alameda CTC does not require member agencies to use the Alameda County Tool to analyze the effects of their proposed land use projects on the transportation network. Therefore, any action the user takes upon the information is strictly at the user’s risk and neither Alameda CTC, nor its employees, contractors and consultants will be liable for any loses or damages resulting from the use of these data and this tool. Alameda County VMT Reduction Calculator Tool Demo video on how to use the Tool VMT Tool Design Document Mobility Management Guidebook from SANDAG Staff contact:
Aleida Andrino-Chavez
Alameda CTC has developed maps and tables that display estimates of VMT per Capita and per Employee at the Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) level and planning area level in Alameda County. These TAZ estimates come from the Alameda Countywide Travel Demand Model that is consistent with Plan Bay Area 2040.
- Alameda CTC VMT Mapping Tool
- Countywide
- North Planning Area
- Central Planning Area
- East Planning Area
- South Planning Area
Senate Bill 743 (SB 743, Steinberg, 2013) was signed into law in September 2013 with the intent to better align congestion management with state goals for implementation of infill developments, reduction of green-house gas emissions, and improvement of public health through implementation of active transportation projects. The new law changed the way that the effects of land use projects on the transportation network are analyzed within the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). SB 743 states that traffic congestion shall not be considered to have a significant impact on the environment under CEQA.
The new law required the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) to identify new metrics to evaluate, analyze, and mitigate transportation impacts under CEQA. OPR identified Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) per capita or VMT per employee as the new metrics for analyzing the effects of land use projects on the transportation network. For transportation projects, the lead agency shall have discretion to choose the metric to use that is consistent with CEQA and other planning requirements. In December 2018, the CEQA guidelines were updated to reflect these regulatory changes. OPR released Technical Advisory, December 2018, guidance that includes recommendations on how to assess VMT, thresholds of significance, and mitigation measures. Statewide implementation of the SB 743 requirements went into effect on July 1st, 2020.
Alameda CTC led and facilitated a Regional Working Group that informed these efforts for the San Francisco Bay Area, and independently provided comments to OPR on draft and final guidelines.