
In its role as the congestion management agency for Alameda County and manager of the county’s voter-approved transportation expenditure plans for Measure BMeasure BB and the Vehicle Registration Fee, Alameda CTC works closely with local jurisdictions, transportation agencies and partner organizations to develop transportation policies to support transportation programs and projects that expand access and improve mobility for a vibrant and livable Alameda County.

Some of these policies stem from Alameda CTC’s planning efforts including the Countywide Transportation Plan, a long-range policy document that guides transportation funding decisions for Alameda County’s transportation system over a 25-year horizon. The Countywide Transportation Plan increases mobility, creates jobs, reduces congestion and protects the environment.

As part of the OneBayAreaGrant Program implementation in Alameda County, Alameda CTC required that all local jurisdictions that receive direct program distributions of local Measure B sales tax revenues adopt a complete streets policy by June 30, 2013, and each of Alameda County’s 14 jurisdictions have done so. For more information about complete streets in Alameda County, see the Complete Streets web page.