The East Bay Greenway is a proposed regional trail which would link BART stations throughout the inner East Bay. Alameda CTC is the project sponsor for the East Bay Greenway: Lake Merritt BART to South Hayward BART Project (Project). The Project proposes to construct a bicycle and pedestrian facility that will generally follow the BART alignment for a distance of 16 miles and traverse the cities of Oakland, San Leandro, and Hayward as well as the unincorporated communities of Ashland and Cherryland. The Project will connect seven BART stations as well as downtown areas, schools, and other major destinations.
Project Benefits
- Improve cyclist and pedestrian network connectivity in communities along the BART line
- Improve access to regional transit, schools, downtown area and other destinations
- Create a facility that is accessible and comfortable for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities
- Improve safety for bicyclists and pedestrians
- Support promotion of a multimodal transportation system and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Within Oakland, the East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project will span 8 miles and connect the Downtown, Eastlake, San Antonio, Fruitvale, Coliseum, Elmhurst, and Stonehurst areas. The East Bay Greenway will generally run via East 10th, East 8th, East 12th, and San Leandro Streets and will incorporate the previously completed segment of the Project from 75th to 85th Avenues, and Oakland’s East 12th Street Bikeway and Seminary to 69th projects.
East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include shared use paths, separated bikeways, protected intersections, enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons and pedestrian signals, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, bus loading islands, new traffic signals and raised medians, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.

East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include shared use paths, separated bikeways, protected intersections, enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons and pedestrian signals, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, bus loading islands, new traffic signals and raised medians, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.
- Segment-by-Segment Proposed Design
- Project Concept Plans (May 2023)
- Oakland Public Works Committee Item (Concept Plan Approval – May 2023)
- Related Projects
- BPAC Meeting – September 15, 2022, 6 p.m.
- Popup Events
- Oakland Roots Game @ Laney College Stadium, East 10th Street and 4th Avenue, Oakland – October 1, 2022, 5-8 p.m.
- Lake Merritt BART – October 25, 2022 (PM commute period)
- Coliseum BART – October 26, 2022 (PM commute period)
- Fruitvale BART/Fruitvale Farmers Market – October 27, 2022 (PM commute period)
- Día de Los Muertos Festival, International Avenue and Fruitvale Avenue, Oakland – October 30, 2022, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
- East Oakland Neighborhood Initiative Bay Trail Bike Party – May 20, 2023
- Black Cultural Zone BBQ, East Oakland Youth Development Center – June 30, 2023, 5-8 p.m.
- Trybe San Antonio Neighborhood Town Night – July 21, 2023, 5 p.m. start
- Neighborhood Council Presentations
- Beat 32X – April 20, 2023
- Brookfield/Columbian Garden/Sobrante Park/South Stonehurst (31Y/Z) – May 10, 2023
- Greater San Antonio (18X/Y/19X) – May 10, 2023
- Coliseum/Melrose (26X/Y) – May 25, 2023 (tabling)
- Beat 33X/34X – June 21, 2023
- Fruitvale Council – July 19, 2023
- Focus Groups (co-organized with community-based organizations)
- Trybe – July 7, 2023
- Unity Council – August 24, 2023
- Black Cultural Zone – October 22, 2023
- BPAC Infrastructure Committee Meeting – November 2, 2023
- Project Overview Presentation
- East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project: Oakland flyover video
- Mailer (Fall 2022)
- Outreach Boards (Summer 2022)
- Project Flyer (Spring/Summer 2023)
- English | Spanish | Chinese | Vietnamese
- Segment Flyers (Spring/Summer 2023)
- East 10th Street (Fallon to East 8th)
- East 8th Street (East 10th to 14th Avenue)
- East 12th Street (14th Avenue to 35th Avenue)
- San Leandro Street (98th Ave to 105th Avenue)
- San Leandro Street (105th Ave to San Leandro City Limit)
- San Leandro Street – 98th to 105th Mailer (Winter 2024)
Within San Leandro, the East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project will span approximately 3.5 miles and connect from Downtown San Leandro to the Bayfair area via San Leandro Boulevard and East 14th Street. The portion along East 14th Street is a Caltrans facility (State Route 185).
East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include shared use paths, separated bikeways, protected intersections, new and enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons and pedestrian signals, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, bus loading islands, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.

East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include shared use paths, separated bikeways, protected intersections, new and enhanced crosswalks with flashing beacons and pedestrian signals, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, bus loading islands, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.
- San Leandro Council Item (Concept Plan Approval - June 21, 2022)
- Concept Plans
- Popups
- Bay Fair Farmer’s Market – February 26, 2022, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- San Leandro BART station – March 3, 2022, 4-7 p.m.
- John Muir Middle School, 1444 Williams Street, San Leandro – Saturday, March 12, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (In coordination with the City of San Leandro Crosstown Corridors)
- Downtown Farmers Market, 300 Estudillo Avenue (San Leandro Main Library), San Leandro – Wednesday, April 6, 2022, 3-7 p.m.
- San Leandro High School, 2200 Bancroft Avenue, San Leandro – Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. (In coordination with the City of San Leandro Crosstown Corridors)
- San Leandro Cherry Festival – June 3, 2023
- East 14th/Hesperian Triangle Plaza Event – June 17, 2023
- Focus Groups
- Bike/Pedestrian/Transit Focus Group – Monday, April 18, 2022, 6-7 p.m.
- Business Focus Group – Thursday, April 21, 2022, 8-9 a.m.
- Boys and Girls Club – Wednesday, October 18, , 2023
- San Leandro Chamber of Commerce Project Update Presentation – Friday, November 3, 2023
In Ashland/Cherryland, the East Bay Greenway Multimodal Project will construct 0.3 miles of complete streets improvements along East 14th Street from Bayfair Drive to 162nd Avenue. These improvements will connect to existing and planned projects along East 14th Street south of 162nd Avenue in Ashland and Cherryland.
East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include separated bikeways, enhanced crosswalks, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, sidewalk repair, bus loading islands, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.

East Bay Greenway improvements will include a variety of elements designed to improve overall safety, create comfortable facilities for cyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, and enhance the overall streetscape. Project features will include separated bikeways, enhanced crosswalks, ADA curb ramp and lighting upgrades, sidewalk repair, bus loading islands, and street beautification/greening features. Please contact us at with any questions or comments.
- Concept Plan (November 2023)
- Project Flyer (November 2023)
- Related Projects
- Castro Valley Farmers Market – Saturday, August 6, 2022, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- REACH Ashland Youth Center, Health and Resource Fair – Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 12:30-4 p.m.
- Bayfair Farmers Market – Saturday, August 13, 2022, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Unincorporated Area BPAC – Thursday, September 22, 2022, 6 p.m.
- Eden Area MAC Standing Meeting – Tuesday, February 14, 2023
- Unincorporated Area BPAC – Thursday, December 14, 2023, 6 p.m.
Alameda CTC and Hayward are developing concepts that connect the Hayward BART station to the South Hayward BART station through Downtown both on the west side of the BART and Union Pacific tracks as well as pedestrian-scale improvements along Mission Boulevard. The concepts intend to provide first- and last-mile connectivity to BART stations, address the Alameda County High Injury Network, with minimal impacts to the existing curb lines while providing and all-ages-and-abilities bicycle facilities.
Please contact us at with any questions or comments.

Please contact us at with any questions or comments.
This section will be updated as project documents are developed.
- Hayward Public Library – Thursday, August 11, 2022, 1-5 p.m.
- Hayward Farmers Market – Saturday, August 27, 2022, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- South Hayward BART Station – Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 4-7 p.m.
- CBO Popup Event – Thursday, September 15, 2022, 12 p.m.
- Additional CBO Popup Events
- Hawaiian May Day Festival – Saturday, May 11, 2024, 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
- Eden Greenway, Free Hot Meals – Monday, May 20, 2024, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
East Bay Greenway Urban Trail (Phase 2)
A longer-term East Bay Greenway Urban Trail (Phase 2) would construct an off-street regional trail facility in the BART corridor connecting between Fruitvale BART and South Hayward BART, a distance of approximately 13-miles. Phase 2 generally provides the same biking and walking connections as Phase 1, but offers the potential for a linear-park style facility with separate bridges at major street crossings, recreation amenities, and wider, more separated trail facility. Alameda CTC studied and environmentally cleared Phase 2 from 2016-2018. Phase 2 is being pursued on a longer timeframe due to the high-cost and need to acquire right-of-way from Union Pacific Railroad. Alameda CTC studied two design options as part of prior environmental documents. A rail-to-trail option assumes the abandonment and acquisition of the entire Union Pacific Oakland Subdivision north of Industrial Parkway in Hayward. A rail-with-trail option assumes that the Oakland Subdivision remains an active rail line and right-of-way is acquired to construct a trail in a shared rail-trail corridor. Both options would require Union Pacific to agree to provide necessary ROW and local jurisdictions to agree to own and maintain the facility.
Final Federal Environmental (NEPA) Document
- Final CE (Approved November 2018) Final State Environmental (CEQA) Document
- Draft Final IS/MND (Adopted March 2018 by Alameda CTC)
- November 7, 2017: Open House at San Leandro Senior Community Center
- November 8, 2017: Open House at Eden United Church of Christ
- November 15, 2017: Open House at Fruitvale Senior Center
- November 16, 2017: Open House at Hayward City Hall