GoPort is a program of projects to improve truck and rail access to the Port of Oakland, one of the nation’s most vital seaports. It consists of three components:
Email: GoPort PIO
Call and/or Text GoPort's 24/7 Information Line: 510.833.1234
- 7th Street Grade Separation West Segment (7SGSW): Realign and grade separate the intersection of 7th Street and Maritime Street and construct a rail spur underneath to improve the access and minimize conflicts between rail, vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists.
- 7th Street Grade Separation East Segment (7SGSE): Replace existing railroad underpass between I-880 and Maritime Street to increase clearance for trucks and improve shared pedestrian/bicycle pathway.
- Freight Intelligent Transportation Systems (FITS) and Technology Master Plan: Apply ITS, signal systems along W. Grand Avenue, Maritime Street, 7th Street and Middle Harbor Road, and other technologies to costeffectively manage truck arrivals and improve incident response.
Program Benefits
- Congestion relief: Upgrade technology and infrastructure to minimize and manage truck wait times, manage truck congestion, and improve traffic circulation
- Efficiency: Improve Port and Rail Yard efficiencies, intermodal yard connectivity, and expand near-dock use of rail and intermodal facilities
- Sustainability: Reconstruct Bay Trail segment on 7th Street and Maritime Street and reduce emissions/carbon footprint
- Economic stimulation: Reduce shipping costs, improve Port competitiveness and create jobs
For questions and comments, please contact:
GoPort Public Information OfficerEmail: GoPort PIO
Call and/or Text GoPort's 24/7 Information Line: 510.833.1234
7th Street Grade Separation East Project
(Updated January 25, 2023)
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 1–3 p.m. (PST)
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
(Updated January 25, 2023)
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 1–3 p.m. (PST)
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Meeting Materials
- Event Presentation (PDF)
- Event Presentation (Recording)
- Event Chat
- Event Participants and Interest List (As of 1/18/2023)
- Meeting Flyer
- Q & A
7th Street Grade Separation East Project
(Updated December 21, 2022)
Monday, December 19, 2022, 1–3 p.m. (PST)
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
(Updated December 21, 2022)
Monday, December 19, 2022, 1–3 p.m. (PST)
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Meeting Materials
- Event Presentation (PDF)
- Event Presentation (Recording)
- Event Chat
- Event Participants and Interest List (As of 12/21/2022)
- Meeting Flyer
- Q & A
7th Street Grade Separation East Project
(Updated May 18, 2020)
Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 1-3 p.m.
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Alameda County Transportation Commission Office
1111 Broadway, Suite 800 Oakland, CA 94607
(Updated May 18, 2020)
Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 1-3 p.m.
Interactive Webinar (Zoom)
Meeting Materials
- Event Presentation (PDF)
- Event Presentation (Recording)
- Event Chat
- Webinar (Zoom) Access Instructions
- Event Participants and Interest List (As of 4/8/2020)
- Meeting Flyer
- Q & A
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Alameda County Transportation Commission Office
1111 Broadway, Suite 800 Oakland, CA 94607
Meeting Materials
- Project Updates (June 2024)
- Soil Sampling Advisories (February 23, 2024)
- Temporary Lane Closures of 7th St. and Maritime St. in the Port of Oakland Area September 16-Ocotber 11, 2024 (Sep 16, 2024)
- 7th Street Grade Separation East Project Continues Construction to Relocate Storm Drain and Utility Lines in the Vicinity of 7th Street/Maritime Intersection, January 2-31, 2023 (December 20, 2023)
- 7th Street Grade Separation East Project Continues Construction to Relocate Storm Drain and Utility Lines in the Vicinity of 7th Street at Maritime, December 4-15, 2023 (November 22, 2023)
- Temporary Lane Closures on 7th Street Between Bay Street and Maritime for the 7th Street Grade Separation East Project September 5-15, 2023 (August 29, 2023)
GoPort is a program geared toward improving the efficiency of the Port of Oakland (Port) and surrounding local street operations. It consists of three construction projects to improve truck, rail, bicycle and pedestrian access to the Port, one of the nation’s most vital seaports:
Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS): Installation of various demonstration, cutting-edge, technology improvements, intended to show their benefits in the Port environment. These improvements will occur along arterial Seaport roadways to provide real-time traffic information and data to Port users and stakeholders, enabling them to make more informed travel decisions. Specifically, FITS is designed to:
- Improve operational efficiency
- Reduce truck idling
- Improve reliability of vehicle, truck and rail access and circulation
- Enhance safety, improve traffic management and improve incident response
- Increasing underpass clearances for trucks
- Widening and upgrading the roadway and shared pedestrian/bicycle pathway to meet current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and design standards
- A direct rail connection between the ship and rail terminals to improve Port access for different modes of transportation, including rail access
- Minimizing conflicts between rail, vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists
Safety and congestion relief: Upgraded technology and infrastructure improvements to minimize and manage truck wait times/conflicts, manage truck congestion/idling, and improve traffic circulation.
Efficiency: Improve the main local street network, Port and Rail Yard operational efficiencies, ship-railyard connectivity, and expand near-dock use of rail and other modes of transportation.
Sustainability: Reconstruct the 7th Street and Maritime Street segment of the Bay Trail, a more than 350-mile outdoor regional walking and other active transportation trail network. It will also reduce emissions/carbon footprint by widening the existing narrow bicycle/pedestrian path and adding green elements such as vines/ivy along portions of the path. The new standard 14-foot wide path, which includes shoulders and lighting, will make the path safer, more accessible and user-friendly.
Economic stimulation: Reduce shipping costs, improve Port competitiveness, improve local access and promote local job creation.
For current status, including schedule, please refer to the Fact Sheets tab on the GoPort website.
For current status, including cost and funding information by project, please refer to the Fact Sheets tab on the GoPort website.
Please refer to the Fact Sheets tab on the GoPort website for funding information by project.
With the exception of one element of GoPort construction, Alameda CTC is the agency in charge of construction efforts. The Port of Oakland is responsible for the construction of the Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) project traffic management center/emergency operations center.
There are three contractors for the Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) project:
- CB2 Builders, who constructed the Port’s traffic management center/emergency operations center,
- Aldridge Electric, Inc. who is constructing the field elements, and
- Parsons Transportation Group, who is the system integrator and in charge of the FITS field elements, including the GoPort application and smart parking system.
The current 7th Street multi-use pathway for bicyclists and pedestrians does not meet today’s geometric standards. It is currently very narrow and not well-lit.
As part of the project, the 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE) design team worked closely with project stakeholders, including the City of Oakland’s Bike Planner to construct a Class I (completely separated from the roadway) bicycle/pedestrian pathway to address safety and access concerns. Path improvements will include:
The 7th Street Grade Separation West (7SGSW) project is currently on hold. However, the project will include a barrier-separated Class I facility that connects to the Middle Harbor Shoreline Park.
- Reconstruction, widening and lighting of the existing multi-use pathway to include a standard barrier-separated pathway.
- Smart signal installation to provide bicycle/pedestrian priority for safe passage through intersections.
Future 7SGSE Pathway
The renderings below reflect the future 7SGSE pathway and wall greening.

Yes! We are listening to the opinions of community members and keeping the community
up-to-date on all things GoPort.
GoPort staff has and will continue to make presentations to and work with community groups, businesses and others to answer questions, listen to concerns and provide project updates.
Regarding monitoring impact to the local environment, the GoPort Program has been developed with strict adherence to the Standard Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (SCA/MMRP), which was adopted for the Oakland Army Base Redevelopment Program. This means there will be regular oversight and written compliance review of any project measures taken to minimize impacts to the project’s surrounding West Oakland environment.
GoPort design specifications have construction measures and requirements that include air pollution and dust control. GoPort is required to follow the approved Standard Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (SCA/MMRP) for the Oakland Army Base or the current standards adopted by the regional Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD).
This means there will be regular review of the measures the project is taking to reduce air quality impact. Some of these measures include watering, covering hauling trucks, limiting vehicle speeds and idling times and requiring certified construction equipment that meet the BAAQMD’s emissions and performance requirements. The 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE) Project will also include wall greening, along the upgraded bicycle and pedestrian pathway, as requested by community members.
GoPort is geared towards encouraging the growth of the Port, which is expected to generate high-paying jobs at the Port. In addition, the construction projects are expected to generate direct and indirect construction jobs. Alameda CTC has held contractor outreach meetings and encourages the use of local and small contractors/suppliers in project construction.
The GoPort Program projects are mostly located within the Seaport area, west of the Interstate 880 freeway.
Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS): Highlighted in yellow on the GoPort Project Map, this project’s limits are Maritime Street (between West Grand Avenue and Middle Harbor Road), 7th Street (between Wood Street and 7th Street western end), Middle Harbor Road (at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park and Adeline Street), Adeline Street (between 5th Street and Middle Harbor Road) and Embarcadero West (Jefferson Street to Embarcadero West western end). The FITS technology installation is the only component that includes installation of signals and other technology elements ion City of Oakland streets. 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE): The project is located along 7th Street between Maritime Street and west of Interstate 880 (I-880). This project is highlighted in blue on the GoPort Project Map. 7th Street Grade Separation West (7SGSW): The project limits are the intersections of 7th Street and Middle Harbor Road, 7th and Maritime streets, and Maritime and West 14th streets. This project is to be constructed west of I-880. This project is highlighted in red on the map.
GoPort Program Project Location Map

Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS): Highlighted in yellow on the GoPort Project Map, this project’s limits are Maritime Street (between West Grand Avenue and Middle Harbor Road), 7th Street (between Wood Street and 7th Street western end), Middle Harbor Road (at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park and Adeline Street), Adeline Street (between 5th Street and Middle Harbor Road) and Embarcadero West (Jefferson Street to Embarcadero West western end). The FITS technology installation is the only component that includes installation of signals and other technology elements ion City of Oakland streets. 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE): The project is located along 7th Street between Maritime Street and west of Interstate 880 (I-880). This project is highlighted in blue on the GoPort Project Map. 7th Street Grade Separation West (7SGSW): The project limits are the intersections of 7th Street and Middle Harbor Road, 7th and Maritime streets, and Maritime and West 14th streets. This project is to be constructed west of I-880. This project is highlighted in red on the map.
No. GoPort construction will not close or reroute vehicles/trucks to nearby City of Oakland streets. The design teams have worked closely with several of the project stakeholders, including the Port of Oakland and the City of Oakland, to develop construction staging plans to ensure minimal impact/disruption to vehicular traffic during construction. In addition, the contractors have developed a traffic management plan ahead of construction, for City of Oakland approval and employ flaggers to direct vehicles away from local streets east of Interstate 880.
No. Alameda CTC recognizes 7th Street is a key gateway to the Port and is making every effort to develop traffic handling plans that will minimize traffic impacts during construction.
The new 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE) alignment construction is north of the existing 7th Street and thus allows for the existing 7th Street to remain open during construction. It is planned that 7th Street between I-880 and Maritime Street will remain operational and open to traffic during construction with two lanes in each direction open to traffic for most of the construction including when traffic is moved from the old roadway to the new roadway configuration.
A similar traffic handling concept will be adopted when the 7th Street Grade Separation West (7SGSW) project plans are developed.
In response to Prescott community feedback, the City of Oakland (City) and the Port of Oakland (Port) completed an additional analysis of truck movements on Frontage Road, which is proposed in the West Oakland Truck Management Plan (TMP) for designation as a Truck Route. The City and Port have posted this analysis in the Frontage Road Study, which compares the potential consequences of either formalizing Frontage Road as a Truck Route or designating Frontage Road as a Truck Prohibited Street, which is what the Prescott community is requesting. Although the GoPort project is outside of the Prescott neighborhood, Alameda CTC is committed to working with the community and partner agencies to reduce the impact of goods movement on communities. The Port and City are leading implementation of the TMP within City limits and Alameda CTC is committed to partner with these agencies for successful implementation of the TMP within the City of Oakland.
Most construction work will occur between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, per the approved Standard Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (SCA/MMRP). Following SCA/MMRP requirements means that there will be regular oversight and written review of the measures taken to minimize impacts to the West Oakland community. Some night work is anticipated, which requires prior authorization from the City of Oakland for specific construction activities that can only occur during non-peak truck traffic hours/off hours.
The GoPort projects are located within the Seaport area of the Port of Oakland which is an industrialized area where existing noise includes rail, BART and, in some cases, traffic on Interstate 880 (I-880). As part of the environmental approval process for GoPort, Alameda CTC conducted a noise assessment and the resulting Noise Study Report was approved by Caltrans. It concluded that no cumulative noise impacts would occur as a result of GoPort construction. I-880 bisects the project area from the residential area, and will provide a noise buffer.
The construction contract documents will include various standard noise control measures, as stipulated in Caltrans Standard Specifications and the Standard Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (SCA/MMRP). To reduce noise impacts during construction, the contractor will also implement a site-specific noise reduction program. As mentioned elsewhere, following SCA/MMRP requirements means there will be regular project oversight and written review of the measures taken to minimize impacts to the West Oakland community.
In response to feedback from the community about graffiti and maintenance concerns, GoPort staff has been working with the City of Oakland to finalize a wall greening plan for 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE) project’s multiuse pathway. Deterrence measures such as an anti-graffiti coating or wall greening (e.g., vertical wall vines) will be applied after construction and the City of Oakland will be responsible for wall maintenance.
GoPort is committed to minimizing the impacts of construction on individuals and neighborhoods. Projects during construction will have visible signage with contact information for the community. Should you have a concern, please call or text the 24-hour GoPort Public Information Line at (510) 833-1234. During construction, the GoPort Public Information Line will provide project information and regular construction updates.
Yes! GoPort staff welcome the opportunity to speak about this innovative program. Please call the GoPort Public Information Line at (510) 833-1234 or email to schedule a presentation.
GoPort fact sheets are updated frequently. To access GoPort fact sheets, a project overview and other resources, please visit
To request to be included in future GoPort community communications, please email with your name and email address. If you are representing any community organizations, please be sure to also include your organization name, your role, and your title.