- Executive Summary
- Final Report
- Project Map
- Project Schedule (September 2019)
- Baseline Conditions Report
Between 2018 and 2020, the E14th St /Mission and Fremont Blvd Corridor Project conducted baseline data collection, analysis, and community engagement to establish a long-term vision for the corridor. Through public outreach, we learned that residents of the area were concerned about vehicular speeding and safety. They also showed strong support for bicycle and pedestrian projects and transit service improvements that increase service reliability as well as the extension of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to the South Hayward BART station.
Why are these improvements needed?- There are significant safety concerns along this corridor: 90% of the corridor is part of the countywide high-injury pedestrian network and 50% of the corridor is part of the high injury bicycle network.
- The majority of the corridor is located in Equity Priority Communities (EPC) per the Metropolitan Transportation Commission definition of 2021, including high rates of households that do not have access to a vehicle and rely on transit, bicycling, and walking.
- The corridor connects four BART stations, which provide regional connections for residents and employees of the study area.
- 28% of the trips made in the study area are two miles or less and 55% of trips are five miles or less, making them good candidates for transit and bike mode shift.
- Since 2014, over 4,000 new homes have been built or are moving through the approval process in the communities along the corridor. This is being accompanied with new commercial development complemented by local land use policies that support on-going investment along the E14th St/Mission Blvd. These uses will increase pedestrian activity and the potential for increased transit ridership and bicycling. The combination of more mixed use and multimodal community will provide a great context for economic development along the corridor.

- Popups
- Bay Fair Farmer’s Market – February 26, 2022, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- San Leandro BART station – March 3, 2022, 4-7 p.m.
- Popup in coordination with City of San Leandro Crosstown Corridors – March 19, 2022 (postponed due to rain)
- John Muir Middle School, 1444 Williams Street, San Leandro – Saturday, March 12, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Downtown Farmers Market, 300 Estudillo Avenue (San Leandro Main Library), San Leandro – Wednesday, April 6, 3-7 p.m.
- San Leandro High School, 2200 Bancroft Avenue, San Leandro – Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Focus Groups
- Bike/Pedestrian/Transit Focus Group – Monday, April 18, 2022, 6-7 p.m.
- Business Focus Group – Thursday, April 21, 8-9 a.m.
Prior Public Outreach
Public outreach for the E.14th Street/Mission and Fremont Boulevards Corridor project was conducted from spring 2018 through fall 2019 and included a variety of instruments and venues to inform the public and gather input. Feedback obtained from this public outreach helped define the long-term vision for this project. Following is a list of public outreach conducted:- Map based online survey to collect information about locations that needed improvements. Approximately 660 visitors to the site left roughly 300 comments about 177 locations that needed improvements in the study area. This public feedback helped the project team identify the goals and objectives for the project
- Five focus groups along the project corridor and a community meeting in Fremont to collect information from specific groups, such as bike and transit riders, and community residents. A total of 48 members of the different communities participated in the focus groups. Feedback received at these meetings helped to refine the long-term alternatives for evaluation.
- Five Open Houses held at each of the jurisdictions adjacent to the corridor: San Leandro, Alameda County unincorporated areas of Ashland and Cherryland, Hayward, Union City and Fremont that were attended by 110 community members.
- Online workshop to gather additional input from members of the public who could not attend in person events. The purpose of this outreach was to gather feedback on the recommended multimodal long-term alternatives.
- Facebook Page where social media was used to disseminate project information and inviting the public to scheduled events. A project Facebook page was created and project events were posted there and on the Alameda CTC social media venues. To visit the project’s Facebook page, visit click here.