Alameda CTC is currently managing numerous active capital projects in various stages of delivery at a combined total value of more than $3 billion. The fact sheets and individual project webpages below provide specific information about each of the active projects, including current schedule, cost, funding and status. Archived completed projects can be found here.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Capital Projects
- Downtown Oakland Streetscape Improvements fact sheet
- East Bay Greenway: Lake Merritt BART to South Hayward BART Project webpage
Highway Improvement Capital Projects
I-80 Corridor
- I-80/Ashby Avenue (SR-13) Interchange Improvements webpage
- I-80/Gilman Interchange Project webpage – Measure BB
- I-80 Integrated Corridor Mobility (ICM) Project webpage – CMIA, TLSP
I-680 Corridor
- I-680 Express Lanes From SR-84 to Alcosta Blvd Project webpage
- I-680 Sunol Express Lanes Project webpage
I-880 Corridor
- Oakland-Alameda Access Project webpage (formerly I-880/Broadway-Jackson Interchange Improvements Project)
- I-880 Interchange Improvements webpage (Whipple Road/Industrial Parkway Southwest and Industrial Parkway)
- I-880 Interchange Improvements webpage (Winton Avenue/A Street)
SR-84 Corridor
SR-262 (Mission Boulevard)
Smart Corridors
Local Streets and Roads Projects
- Castro Valley Local Area Traffic Circulation Improvement fact sheet
- Dublin Boulevard – North Canyons Parkway Extension webpage
- Dumbarton Corridor Improvements (Central Avenue Overpass) fact sheet
- East 14th Street/Hesperian Boulevard/150th Avenue Intersection Improvement fact sheet
- Quarry Lakes Parkway Project webpage (formerly I-880 to Mission Boulevard East-West Connector)
Multimodal Arterial Corridor Projects
- East 14th Street/Mission and Fremont Boulevard Multimodal Corridor webpage
- San Pablo Avenue Corridor Project webpage
Port of Oakland Infrastructure Projects
- Global Opportunities at the Port of Oakland (GoPort) webpage
- 7th Street Grade Separation East (7SGSE)
- 7th Street Grade Separation West ((7SGSW)
- Freight Intelligent Transportation System (FITS) and Technology Master Plan
Transit and Rail Projects
- East Bay Bus Rapid Transit fact sheet
- Rail Safety Enhancement Program webpage
- Valley Link Project webpage
- Bicycle and Pedestrian webpage
- Paratransit Program webpage (Senior and Disabled Transportation)
- Safe Routes to Schools webpage
- Student Transit Pass Pilot Program webpage
Please note: Project fact sheets are updated on a quarterly basis.
For more information on upcoming advertisements, view the Alameda CTC current and upcoming contracting opportunities.
Archived completed projects can be found here.