During its first Commission meeting of 2020, the Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) unanimously elected City of San Leandro Mayor Pauline Cutter as its Chair, and unanimously elected City of Emeryville Councilmember John Bauters as Vice Chair.
Chair Cutter, a member of the Commission since 2012, and Vice Chair since 2018, said that she is pleased to be elected to serve as Chair of the Commission. It is an honor to lead Alameda CTC in partnership with my colleagues, as we continue to drive forward transportation excellence with acclaimed projects and programs throughout Alameda County.
Chair Cutter outlined several priorities for 2020 and beyond that include:
- Advancement of high profile multi-jurisdictional, multimodal corridor improvements
- Improving transit options throughout the county to provide a reliable and connected system
- Ensuring safe mobility options for bicyclists and pedestrians
- Pushing forward rail strategy in partnership with other agencies, importantly the Countywide Rail Safety Enhancement Program
- Expansion of model educational and supportive programs like Safe Routes to Schools and the Affordable Student Transit Pass program
- Closing gaps in our trails network
- Expansion of express lanes
She also talked about the many projects going into construction this year, including:
- 7th Street Grade Separation East
- State Route 84 (SR-84) Widening and SR-84/I-680 Interchange Improvements
- I-80/Gilman Street Interchange Improvement
“Thanks to the voter-approved Measure BB, we are able to leverage those local dollars to support multimodal transportation infrastructure in Alameda County…,†says City of Emeryville Councilmember, newly elected Vice Chair John Bauters.