Alameda CTC provides bicycle/pedestrian technical assistance to local jurisdictions via publications, webinars, working groups, trainings and conferences.
Toolkits, White Papers and Best Practice Research
Alameda CTC has developed various resources to assist local jurisdictions in different aspects of bicycle and pedestrian planning.
Contains information on innovative pedestrian planning practices and facility design, design standards, programs shown to encourage walking, funding opportunities for pedestrian improvements and more.
- Best Practices for Incorporating Complete Streets in a Circulation Element
- Complete Streets Implementation Resource List
- Bicycle Master Plan Guidelines (2015)
Contains required and recommended elements for a bicycle master plan. Jurisdictions in Alameda County are required to update their bicycle and pedestrian master plans every five years to obtain bicycle and pedestrian Direct Local Distribution funds.
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Cost Estimating Tool (2015)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Demand Forecast Tool (2015)
Contact Chris G. Marks with any questions about these resources.
Pedestrian-Bicycle Working Group
The Pedestrian-Bicycle Working Group (Ped-Bike Working Group) consists of bicycle and pedestrian planning and engineering staff from local cities, agencies and non-profit organizations. The group provides a forum for information sharing and meets quarterly at Alameda CTC’s offices. Topics at past PBWG meetings have included:
- Street Design for Life Safety (Complete Streets and Emergency Response)
- Improving Active Transportation Program Grant Applications
- Sustainable Streets (Complete Streets and Stormwater Infrastructure)
- Integrating Repaving Programs and Bikeway Implementation
Contact Chris G. Marks to obtain materials from past PBWG meetings.